2 micropay way  
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2 micropay way

Interested in Advertising?

Please fill out our Advertiser's Query Form.

  • Build Goodwill. Reward your leads for their time and attention by turning your ad dollars into small cash premiums.
  • More Leverage. Participate in a universal rewards program that empowers consumers to buy the content they want using pooled funds received from multiple advertisers.
  • Better Lists. Gather permission granted contact information, demographics,  and detailed behavioral metrics on everyone who sees your banner advertisement or receives your email offer.
  • Ethical Follow-Ups. Never be accused of spam or disrespect of your customers' or leads' time.  Your follow-up Qixitâ„¢ delivered email offers are always welcome because they always include a micropayment in exchange for your prospect's time, attention, and marketing data.
  • Better Prospecting. Easily find new prospects with proven interest or history of buying products in your target market.
  • Higher ROI.  Better testing, tracking and control over your advertising costs with superior targeting of your best leads and customers.

Plus, with your Qixit emailed follow-up offers, we gather information on recipients' read time, number of reads, and printing behavior so you can quickly create hot lists of your most interested prospects who are worth additional follow-up.

View our brochure here.

Please fill out our Advertiser's Query Form.

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2 Micropay Way

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Qix Information Technology, LLC